The Many Benefits of Landscaping Infographic

Below is the information contained in The Many Benefits of Landscaping Infographic

Aside from basic maintenance (such as painting, flooring, general repairs etc), landscaping is the most desired renovation with 42% of Canadians planning landscaping projects in 2016 — source: Financial Post

  1. Trees and other vegetation absorb excess rainfall which helps control flooding and keeps pollutants from entering the community water system
  2. Plants and trees reduces greenhouse gases and release oxygen into the environment
  3. Great for blocking unpleasant views
  4. Improves overall house appearance

If you’re selling your home

  • Up to 28% increase in home value
  • Landscaped homes typically sell 10-15% faster  source:

If you’re beautifying your home

  • Reduces noise levels
  • Attracts bees, butterflies and birds

If you’re relaxing at home

  • Helps to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Provides a great place for family stay-cations!


Benefits of Landscaping Infographic

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